Programming Language
juice "Hello, World!" |
berrybasket ~intberry~ arr is ~3; 4; 3~ |
fruitbasket ~stringberry, intberry~ dict is ~"a", 1; "b", 2; "c", 3~ |
intberry i is 2 |
whilemelon i less 10 ->
juice " " plus i |
i++ |
formelon intberry i is 10 | i more equals num | i-- ->
juice "the number is " plus i |
ifmelon 1 plus 1 equals 2 ->
juice "this is factual information" | :: this is a comment
ifmelon organic ->
juice 1 |
<- elifmelon gmo ->
juice 0 |
<- elsemelon ->
juice 2 |
intberry blend add(intberry first, intberry second) ->
squeeze first plus second |
juice add(10, 15) |
juice 3 to the power of 2 | :: = 9
juice 20 mod 10 | :: = 0
juice 5 less equals 6 | :: = organic (true)
intberry blend fibonacci(intberry num) ->
intberry num1 is 0 |
intberry num2 is 1 |
intberry sum |
intberry i is 0 |
formelon i is 0 | i less num | i++ ->
sum is num1 plus num2 |
num1 is num2 |
num2 is sum |
squeeze num2 |
juice fibonacci(10) | :: function call
intberry blend firstFactorial(intberry num) ->
ifmelon num equals 0 orange num equals 1 ->
squeeze 1 |
squeeze num times firstFactorial(num minus 1) |
:: outputs all prime numbers between 0 and 100
intberry lowestNumber is 0 |
intberry highestNumber is 100|
formelon intberry i is lowestNumber | i more equals highestNumber | i++ ->
intberry flag is 0 |
formelon intberry j is 2 | j less i | j++ ->
ifmelon i mod j equals 0 ->
flag is 1 |
split |
ifmelon i more 1 apple flag equals 0 ->
juice i |